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341 과속하지 마세요. Don't speed.
342 세상 참 좁네요! What a small world!
343 나이에 비해 어려보여요. You look young for your age.
344 전 커피를 정말 좋아해요. I'm really into coffee.
345 심심해 죽겠어. I'm bored to death.
346 오늘이 무슨 요일이에요? What day is it today?
347 진짜예요? Is that true?
348 10분 늦었어요! You're 10 minutes late.
349 식사라도 한번 같이 하시지 않겠어요? Why don't we get something to eat sometime?
350 제 짐이 없어졌어요. My luggage is missing.